Venture from the known to the unknown - B.K.S. Iyengar
As is written in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the 2500 year old book of Yoga’s precepts, Yoga is the cessation of the fluctuations of the mind. Simple to say but difficult to do. Balance in an eight-fold path is required to attain the self-realization possible through yoga, asana (physical postures) merely being one of the most accessible limbs. While the physical body is initially utilized on the road to self-knowledge, the mind, the emotions, and the spirit are eventually encountered and developed. Each step along the way brings one closer to a state of calm and to an understanding of who one truly is and may become.
Born in India in 1918, B.K.S. Iyengar rose by his own efforts from an impoverished and sickly boyhood to the most renowned yoga teacher in the world. The yoga that bears his name (he would instead call it "Patanjali Yoga") is an art, a science and a philosophy. While he followed in the tradition of this 3000+ year practice to pass on the yoga received from the teacher, he invented many of the props, therapeutic techniques and teaching methodologies we find in yoga today.
Props such as the mat, belt, block and blanket are used to facilitate learning and provide support where the full pose is not possible due to physical limitation or illness.
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Note: These classes are online via Zoom.
These workshops take place several times a year and will be listed here as dates are finalized. Add your name to my mailing list so that you will be notified in advance.
Upcoming pelvic floor workshops:
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There are none scheduled at this time.
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Messages we have received throughout our lives have reinforced a subtle disapproval of talk about women's bodies "down there." We pay a price for maintaining a polite distance from our hips and what lies between them.
These workshops will attempt to shed light on the appearance, function/dysfunction and maintenance of this most powerful and intimate of our bodily parts. Many women have come to this subject seeking an alternative to surgery for their issues with prolapse, incontinence and pelvic pain. Through the instruction and practice of yoga, overly tight pelvic floor muscles can be relaxed and too loose muscles can be strengthened, bringing understanding and relief to those experiencing discomfort in the pelvic region. Physical postures and exercises will make up a part of this workshop and can be done with or without a background in yoga.
Susan McCormick, a certified Iyengar yoga teacher, draws upon her life experience, her daily asana and pranayama practice, and ongoing studies with senior Iyengar teachers to guide her teaching. She travelled to India to study with the Iyengar family and completed a rigorous three-year teacher training program taught by Gloria Goldberg and Brian Hogencamp.
Additionally, she has received training and certification to teach pelvic floor work from Leslie Howard, author of Pelvic Liberation.
Susan genuinely cares about her students and encourages their discovery of the life-enhancing properties of yoga: increased strength and flexibility of body and mind, improved health of all systems of the body, growth of compassion for oneself and others, and development of a balanced approach to life’s daily challenges.
I'll very occasionally send an email to let you know if a class is cancelled or a workshop is added. And I'll completely understand if you'd like to have your name removed from the list, too. Just say "unsubscribe" in the message field.
Thank you for your time and understanding.
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